Ansar Dine and allied units attack and capture Konna.
This brings the French into the war.
At the time there was very little to defend Mopti and Sevare. The French bring in air support immediatly and land parachute units in Sevare.
Following their victory at Konna, the rebel forces are reinforced by Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb units and they advnace towards Sevare but are checked about 20 miles from it.
The Mali and French forces then counter attack and recapture Konna.
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Battle Of Konna - Northern Mali Conflict - War Blog - Hex Andcounter Games - Modern Warfare - Ansar Dine - France - Boko Haram - Movement For Oneness And Jihad In West Africa - Al-Qaeda In The Islamic Maghreb