There are 26 turns in this game and you probably wont get through them all as they happened as many of them represent seige days. Each turn represents 2 days.
Turn 1: 18 January 2012 - Tessalit attacked by MNLA and rebels.
Turn 3: 22 January 2012 - MNLA surround the Amachach military camp.
Turn 12: 10 February 2012 - Mali army launch offensive to relieve Tessalit with mechanised unit but are met at Tinsalane by the MNLA. Historically this was probably a MNLA victory but the Mali governemnt disputed that.
Turn 22: 29 February and 1 March 2012 - Mali units at Amachach attempt to break out but fail and suffer losses. Next day the Mali army attempt to attack MNLA positions around Amachach.
Turn 24: 4 March 2012 - Mali army attempt another attck on the MNLA units at Amachach but after 12 hours of fighting fail.
Turn 27: 10 March 2012 - MNLA unit carry out another assault on Amachach causing the Mali units to flee.