This is a rough draft.
Its important to note that it wasnt really a military victory as after a lot of internal politial wrangling the Guatemalan military, thinking they might have to fight the US, sided with the rebels.
The rebels lost one unit in El Salvador where it was arrested by police. Futher, when another unit of 122 men attaked a garrison of 30 in Zacapa they lost.
What changed things were the CIA backed airstrikes that used napalm as well as dyanamite and molotov cocktails aross many targets whih onvined the Gautemalans that they were up against a bigger force than they were.
The rebels did win one battle but i cant reall where.
The major factor in this campaign was the psyhologial warfare whih inluded leaflet drops, readio broadasts, television broadasts in the US and friendly South American countries and more.
As suh, there isnt really a strategi game here. It is however, an inredible peice of history.
Essentially the CIA onspire to overthrow a deomratic government and replae it with a dictator. This was following on from their success in overthrowing the deoratic government of Iran. Thier plan also inluded about 50-80 assassinations.
I would put a link to the Wikipedia article but it has funny charaters and I cant.
see Coldwar