This is really just a snap shot of a situation on the Kashmir border in January 2015. There is no significant military movement here, but essentially the Pakistan and Indian troops shell each other with artillery. If you read the CBC artile you'll see that its quite signifiant.
The issue of Kashmir goes back years and I dont intend to cover that here, but I will be expanding on the onflict in the region at a later time.
Whilst not directly related, I was intrigued by a few more reent news articles, the first, NDTV, detailing Chinese troops in Pakistani occupied areas of Kashmir, and many other articles detailing the nuclear position between India and Pakistan, one article of which is detailed below in the India Quartz link that states that a India Pakistan nuclear excahnge is a very real possibility. There are lots of artiles on that idea so I wont delve deeper.
However, what I find intriguing is the fact that in 2014 or so there were over 200 border clashes between India and Pakistan. Maybe to the more aware scholar of military affairs this is no surprise, but the the noviec I imagine that this could be quite an insight and even alarming.
The senario above is just one suh example.
Needless to say, niether player should be moving units over the border, this is just an artillery exhange, so little strategic thinking is required.
see CBC
see NDTV
see India Quartz