This scenario represents the Eastwward advance of the Syrian arab Army towards Palmyra which is also the location of some ancient ruins that ISIS blew up.
Its slightly interesting from a game point because you cant take Palmyra, or at least i dont think you can, but the objective is to take the three strategic locations of Jabal Jazal, Jazal Field and Wadi Al-Dhakara whic are close to Palmyra. to help promote that strategy I have fortified Palmyra and the ISIS player should fall back to that.
I imagine that the advance should be quite easy, however, and thisis what I think makes it interesting from a game perspective, at what rate. By that im looking at the depression factors and recovery, mainly because I have just implemented depression recovery. I did it a while back but I did it wrong, but I have checked and its now working. As such, I imagine that the Syrian player might want to recover between engagements. Is strange though as the assumption is that ISIS will just sit there while the Syrian army advances, or just pound them with their artillery. So the ISIS strategy really is to delay the advance and cause as much permanent damage as it can (units cannot recover more than two their maximum depression, so a depression of 3 leaves 1 permanent depression, ie recoverable only to 3) and then defend the three objectives and fall back to Palmyra.
I have looked at this on Google Maps and you really cant see anything there to figt over, even Palmyra looks just like a village. There is a dam like structure to the East of Jabal Jazal which is probably important, but to describe the Jazal Field's as oil resources seems a bit generous.
The articles reffer to the wrong units but by reference to Wikipedia I am assuming the Syrian units are from the 167th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division. Im also assuming its elements, not the whole brigade.
As of 23 March 2016 this scenario is still moderatly accurate. The Syrian forces have now taken Palmyra Triangle and are pressing on to assault Palmyra.
see South Front
see Independent
see Southfront
see Almasdar News
see Wikipedia
see South Front