Paris Riots - 2018 ().
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Gilets Jaunes protet fuel tax and demand the resignation of President Emmanuel Macron.
The riots have taken place each weekend for seven weeks to date, starting on 17 November 2018 and going through to New Years 2019.
see Express
see Dailymail
see France 24
see Forbes
see Euronews
see The Guardian
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Units (Gilets Jaunes)
French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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French Protesters
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Units (France)
French Police
Police (1-1-3)
French Police
Police (1-1-3)
French Police
Police (1-1-3)
French Police
Police (1-1-3)
French Police
Police (1-1-3)
French Police
Police (1-1-3)
French Police
Police (1-1-3)
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French Police
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French Police
Police (1-1-3)